
Using a Scanner to Check for Words in Java

If you’re working on a Java program that needs to parse through input from a user or a file and check for certain words, you can use a scanner to easily accomplish this task. A scanner is a class in Java that allows you to break up input into tokens, which can be useful for searching for specific words or phrases.

To use a scanner in Java, you’ll first need to create an instance of the scanner class and provide it with an input source. This source can be a file, a string, or even the console. Once you have initialized the scanner, you can then use methods like “hasNext” and “next” to check for specific words and retrieve them from the input.

One thing to keep in mind when using a scanner for string in Java is that it will only return the next token in the input. So if you want to find every instance of a particular word, you’ll need to use a loop to iterate through the input until you’ve found all occurrences of the word.

Another potential issue when using a scanner is that it will often include whitespace characters like spaces and newlines as part of its tokens. To avoid this, you may need to use the “nextLine” method to capture an entire line of input at once, and then use additional string methods like “split” to break the line up into individual words.

Using a scanner for string in Java is a powerful and flexible way to check for specific words or phrases in input, with a range of options for customizing its behavior to meet your needs.