Adult Services

Tips to get the best out of a Topless Waitress

Pay her when she Arrival

When your topless waitress or stripper arrives, pay her upfront. Get the business aspect of the evening over with as soon as possible, so there are no awkward moments when it’s time to say your goodbyes at the end of the night. She’ll be completely relaxed after she’s been paid, and the rest of the night will go much more smoothly.

Worrying about money, or even worse, having to beg for it at the end, is the worst thing that can happen to a female entertainer. Have it ready!

Respect her

Treat others with respect! We all want to have a good time and get a little crazy with the females, but remember to be respectful and make sure they feel safe. The safer they feel, the more they will let their hair down and party with you.

Shut him down immediately if you have any pals who become even remotely aggressive when drinking, incredibly sleazy, or forceful for things the girls don’t want to do. Otherwise, everything will go south, and the performers may even depart. Check it out here,