Contact Lenses

Surprising Facts About Red Contact Lenses

Did you know that red contact lenses are not just for Halloween costumes? In fact, they can be used for a variety of purposes including correcting vision problems, enhancing cosmetic appearance, and even protecting the eyes from harmful UV radiation. Here are three interesting facts about red contact lenses that you may not have known:

1. They can correct vision problems. If you have red-green color blindness, they actually help you see colors more clearly.

2. They can enhance cosmetic appearance. If you have red eyes due to a medical condition such as albinism or blepharitis, they can help to mask the redness and give your eyes a more natural appearance.

3. They can protect the eyes from harmful UV radiation. Red contact lenses can block out more than 90% of UV rays, making them a great choice for those who are looking for eye protection from the sun.

Whether you’re looking for a new way to style your look or you need vision correction, red contact lenses may be the perfect solution for you. Be sure to talk to your eye care professional to find out if red contacts are right for you.