
Skin Picking Disorder Treatment – Ways to Stop Picking Your Skin

Skin picking disorder treatment is not one size fits all approach. While medications and counseling are often prescribed to help people stop picking their skin, some may not want to take medications or see a counselor. Thankfully, there are many other ways for you to try at home before seeing these professionals.

If you’re looking into skin picking disorder treatment where no drugs or therapists are involved, read on! You’ll find the best options that you can try at home to stop picking your skin.

A red light is an amazing tool that you can use to stop picking your skin. It’s especially effective because, unlike when you’re using ice or holding something in your hand, the red light won’t remind you of picking at your skin because you’re not actually touching your skin.

How it works: Use a red LED lamp or a red bulb to distract yourself from picking at your skin. Just apply the light and leave it on for 30 minutes twice daily (or during the times when you’re prone to picking).