Contact Lenses

Sclera Contacts: Everything You Need To Know

Sclera contacts white. Sclera contacts are a contact lens covering the entire white part of your eye. They are often used for theatrical purposes or to create a spooky Halloween look. However, sclera contacts can also be used for vision correction.

Sclera contacts work by covering the entire white part of your eye. This creates a barrier between your eye and the outside world, which can help to protect your eye from irritants. Sclera contacts are also much larger than traditional contact lenses, so they can provide better coverage for those with large eyes.

There are several benefits to using sclera contacts.

First, they can help to protect your eyes from irritants.

Second, they can provide better coverage for those with large eyes.

Third, sclera contacts can help to improve your vision.

There are also some drawbacks to using sclera contacts.

First, they can be difficult to put in and take out.

Second, they can be uncomfortable to wear.

Third, sclera contacts can cause dry eyes.

If you’re considering sclera contacts, it’s important to talk to your eye doctor to see if they’re right for you.