
Lighting For Historic Buildings: Tips And Tricks

If you’re responsible for the lighting for historic buildings, then you know that it can be tricky. There are so many things to consider – the style of the building, the era it was built in, and the mood you want to create. Let’s get started!

What should I know about this?

First, consider the building itself. What is the lighting style of other buildings in the area? Are there restrictions on what lighting can be used or any features that need to be preserved? Knowing this information will help ensure your lighting choices are appropriate for the building’s era and architecture.

Second, look at the types of lighting used during the building’s era. While LED lighting has become popular recently, it may not be appropriate for a historic structure. Instead, try to find lighting fixtures that match its original design and aesthetic. If possible, try to source antique lighting fixtures from the same period.

We hope this information has been useful to you.