
How Does Dbt Therapy Work?

DBT therapy is a type of psychotherapy that can treat issues such as depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. It was first developed by DBT therapists Marsha Linehan and David Dimeff in the 1970s. DBT therapy utilizes three different types of approaches: cognitive-behavioral techniques, acceptance-based strategies, and dialectical methods.

– This therapy is effective for treating patients with Borderline Personality Disorder.

– This therapy should not be considered an alternative to medication or other treatments but rather a complementary approach.

– This therapy is based on the principle that human beings are inherently changeable and capable of growth, even when dealing with severe emotional distress.

– This therapy has also proven to be effective in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. DBT therapists often work together with medical professionals who are treating patients for these conditions.


DBT therapy has proven to be effective in treating Borderline Personality Disorder and other psychological conditions. DBT therapists often work together with medical professionals who are treating their patients for these conditions as well.