
Free Assessment for Australian Students’ Reading and Writing Abilities

Are you concerned about your child’s reading and writing abilities or their overall literacy skills? A Free Australian Literacy Assessment, also known as the new phonics-based assessment, can help provide clarity and direction.

This assessment evaluates students’ phonics and comprehension skills. It is an important tool to determine which students need further assistance in developing essential literacy skills. The assessment is available online and is easy to access, complete, and submit.

The Free Australian Literacy Screener can be used by educators, parents, and guardians. Once the assessment is complete and submitted, results are provided within minutes. These results can help parents and educators create a plan to improve the child’s reading and writing skills so they can excel academically.

The Free Australian Literacy Screener was created for children in transition to Year 1, but it can also be helpful for students in years beyond. The screener is an excellent way to determine a student’s current abilities and allow teachers to differentiate instruction for their students. It can also identify students who need additional reading and writing support and can save teachers time in creating individual assessments for each student.

While there are other ways to evaluate a child’s reading and writing abilities, the Free Australian Literacy Screener is an excellent option to start with. By administering a free and easy test, parents and educators can gain insight into a child’s strengths and areas needing improvement. Give the assessment a try and see how it can help improve your child’s literacy skills.