
Anti Money Laundering: A Comprehensive Guide

Money laundering is a grave crime that can lead to years of imprisonment and fines. Anti money laundering (AML) laws are in place to help combat this criminal activity by creating measures that make it difficult for criminals to conceal their ill-gotten gains.

1) What is money laundering?

It is the process of disguising or concealing illegally obtained money to no longer be linked to its illegal origin. It’s often associated with criminal activity such as drug trafficking. Still, it can also take place in cases involving financial fraud and corruption.

2) How does it work?

There are three main stages: placement, layering, and integration. Placement involves getting cash into a system without raising suspicion, e.g., by depositing large amounts into bank accounts under false names; Layering consists in covering up the source of funds through complex transactions designed to hide their true origins; When clean wealth is reintroduced into the economy (for example, through the purchase of real estate), it has become indistinguishable from genuine riches.

3) What are the consequences?

It risks imprisonment and fines if they are caught violating anti-money laundering policies by transferring illegally obtained funds through banks, casinos, or anywhere else involved with moving large amounts of currency.